Welcome to Dudey275's Club Penguin Cheats 2011!

Funny Images

Hey everyone! On this page you will find funny images that are linked to Club Penguin, that I made myself. If you have a theory of a new image, post a comment with what should be featured, then I might create it, and you will then get full credit! All images are copyright to Dudey275 2005-2011 ©. Enjoy!

Did you know that I am rainbow-colored?

There’s no way I’m drinking that 3 year old coffee!

Can someone get me my coffee please?

I can play CP on CP!

Tiddles, I found you!

I can’t swim now!

Why won’t you wake up?


I can’t cook up any recipes!

Why waste one tray instead of using all 6?

He burped in my face!

Why can’t I be employee?

I am going to leap off Penguin Run!

Can I have these? They’ve been there for 5 years now!

Can you see me?

Jeez! Kill the music!

Buy your Ninja stuff! Only 2 million coins each!

Time to commit suicide!

Oh man! Why can’t I get any yellow fish!
grey fish
Why call him Fred if that cuckoo bird can’t even watch his own Youtube videos?

Hey look! It’s Nintendo’s Kirby!

Who would want that thing?

BLEEUURRGGHH! I shouldn’t have done that!

Hey! What did you do to my name?

He he I’m drinking Sensei’s potion!

I stalk you!

Thanks for viewing! Remember, support my site!  See ya for now!


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